1. Work out what your budget is prior to starting and don’t forget to factor in the cost of installation. You might also want to think about setting some of your budget aside just in case of a kitchen-related emergency.
2. Decide what it is that you like/don’t like about your current kitchen. Does the layout work for you or could a few tweaks here and there help to improve your kitchen experience?
3. Do you really need a completely new kitchen? You might want to ring the changes by adding new doors, handles or worktops without the expense of replacing the entire units. Don’t forget, if you decide to add to existing, you must measure doors, handles or worktops accurately to ensure a good fit.
4. Consider the appliances you are looking to incorporate into your kitchen. Are you buying brand new equipment to replace old? or are you considering adding a new appliance, dishwasher or wine cooler perhaps? Be sure to do your research on prices and fitting costs or you could find yourself with a bigger bill than expected!
5. Try to familiarise yourself with the various terms and phrases associated with Kitchens so you aren’t overwhelmed by sales talk. There is a wealth of information available online and our glossary may also be able to help.
6. When designing your ideal kitchen layout don’t forget to think about the location of the electrical sockets and the position of your appliances, particularly if you’re planning a drastic change.
7. It’s worth bearing in mind that the quality of the fitting can have a huge impact on the look and finish of your kitchen, so be sure to use a reputable fitter.
8. It’s easy to forget about flooring and décor when you’re in the throes of kitchen planning, but make sure you think about the final ‘look’ you are trying to achieve. Do you need to factor in the additional cost of new tiles or laminate, for example? If you’re having new flooring, seek advice on whether it is better to have this work completed before, during or after the kitchen fitting process.
9. How tall are you and your family? Do not underestimate how hard it is to reach up to cupboards if you’re petite! Clambering over work surfaces to reach that elusive top shelf is dangerous and unhygienic, so if this scenario sounds familiar, make sure you discuss possible solutions with your kitchen company at the planning stages.
10. Consider the timing of your purchase – many deals can be found after Christmas and ahead of Easter. You can also review the prices and promotions of some of the biggest UK kitchen retailers – B&Q, Homebase, Wickes, Magnet, Ikea and John Lewis – on the Kitchen-compare website.