A survey of *100 independent kitchen retailers recently conducted by KBB Review highlighted some interesting findings regarding our kitchen buying habits including who wears the trousers when it comes to making financial and design decisions and what we really know about how muc
Decision Making
There is a definite male/female split when it comes to making the all-important kitchen budget and design decisions with men taking the lead on financial decisions whilst women usually have more say with the design. Do you agree? Let us know at [email protected].
“When couples are choosing a new kitchen, who is usually the dominant decision maker when it comes to financial choices?”
6% Woman
55% Man
38% Joint
“When couples are choosing a new kitchen, who is usually the dominant decision maker when it comes to making design choices?”
52% Woman
3% Man
43% Joint
Did you know that 4/5 of kitchen retailers frequently use discounting to secure a sale and a quarter discount ‘all the time’?
“How often do you discount kitchens to secure a sale?”
22% All the time
60% Sometimes
15% Hardly ever
6% Never
There is no doubt that a kitchen is a major investment purchase but how many of us really have a good idea of what our new kitchen is going to cost when we start researching and planning?
Surprisingly there is a 50-50 split between those that do know and those that don’t know which means that worryingly half of consumers really underestimate how much that dream kitchen is going to cost.
“How knowledgeable are customers on the potential cost of kitchen products?”
3% Very knowledgeable and well researched
46% Realistic ball-park figure
2% Over estimate it
43% Under-estimate it
One key element which is often forgotten about and not included in the price of a kitchen is the installation. Figures below show that 2/3 of consumers are less clued up when it comes down to the actual cost of installing their kitchen.
“How knowledgeable are customers on the potential cost of kitchen installation?”
0% Very knowledgeable
30% Realistic ball park figure
3% Over estimate it
38% Under-estimate it
28% No idea
Is this your experience when researching and buying a new kitchen? What do you think? Let us know your views at [email protected].
*Results taken from the KBB Review Kitchen Retailers Survey 2012. For more information visit their website.
1st Mar 2016